NEARI Mental Health Summit 2023
Saturday, November 18, 2023
The 2023 Mental Health Summit marks the sixth year that NEA Rhode Island is dedicating a day of workshops centered on mental health advocacy, building communication with students, self care, understanding the impact of trauma, and so much more.
After graduating from Gallaudet with a specialist (PsyS) and graduate (MA) degrees in School Psychology, and a special education teaching license from Bridgewater State University, Sarah has been actively involved in Deaf Education for the past twenty years as a Principal, Assistant Principal, School Psychologist, Early Childhood Specialist, and Elementary Teacher. Sarah’s focus has been on developing the whole child through social-emotional learning, teacher-caregiver connections, and identity building. Sarah is committed to disseminating knowledge to support educators. She has worked with education leaders in the fields of Deaf education and school leadership both nationally and internationally. She partnered with colleagues to work closely with the Jamaica Association for the Deaf (JAD) in providing leadership development training as part of a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) grant. Sarah has also co-authored two chapters in a professional book for pre-and in-service educators to support their knowledge and expertise in the area of reading and writing.
8:30-9:00am | Registration Coffee and pastries served | |
9:00-9:30am | Opening Speaker Sarah McGaughey, Director of RI School for the Deaf | |
9:30-10:30am | Session 1 (choose one)
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11:00am-12:15pm | Session 2 (choose one)
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12:15-1:00pm | Lunch Break (provided) | |
1:00-2:15pm | Session 3 (choose one)
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2:15-2:45pm | Wrap Up |
NEARI 6th Annual Mental Health Summit November 18
Leigh Reposa, RI Student Assistance Services
Kristen Petrarca, MPA, School Health Policy and Program Specialist for the RI Department of Education
Laura Biggins, RI School for the Deaf
Renee Bond, Tiverton
Richlieu Norris, 360 High School
Laura Clarke, Newport
Karin Capobianco, Boys and Girls Clubs
NEARI 6th Annual Mental Health Summit November 18