Gather with NEA
NEA Representative Assembly
The RA is the largest democratic deliberative assembly in the world.
NEA’s Annual Meeting usually takes place during the final week of June and/or the first week of July. Various committees, constituencies, caucuses, leadership groups, and delegates from state and local affiliates gather to set policy and chart the direction of NEA business.
Next summer, Philadelphia, PA will be the setting for the NEA Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA), The RA consists of approximately 6,000 educators who meet to debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set National Education Association policy and activities for the year ahead. These delegates represent the 3 million members of the NEA.
Are you interested in participating in setting the priorities for the organization as a NEARI delegate? Any active NEARI member may seek the nomination to the Assembly as an at-large delegate or a regional delegate.
At-large delegate nominees must obtain 100 valid signatures, with at least 10 from NEARI members witin each region.
To be nominated as a regional delegate, according to the regions listed below, a nominee must obtain 50 valid signatures from NEARI members within the region.
For both at-large and regional submissions, no more than 50 percent of signatures may be from one Local.
Nomination papers are available at the links below. They will also be available at the December 11 Executive Committee meeting.
Completed nomination papers must be hand delivered or postmarked by Tuesday, January 16, 2024. In other words, the original hard copy nomination papers with signatures must be turned in to Cheryl Hawes. If Cheryl is unavailable or out of the office, please leave them in her mailbox behind the reception area. Questions? Contact Cheryl.
Local unions also may send delegates; consult your president for nomination procedures.
For purposes of nominating and electing National Education Association Rhode Island (NEARI) delegates to the 2024 NEA Convention, in accordance with NEARI's Constitution and By-Laws, and in accordance with NEA mandates, the five (5) regions are as follows:
On July 2, 2023, NEA’s Representative Assembly, the world’s largest deliberative democratic assembly, convened in Orlando, FL. NEA members from across the country joined fellow educators of the Florida Education Association to stand in solidarity with students, communities, labor allies to promote the values of freedom, democracy, & justice.
Read a reflection on the importance of this year's RA to first-time RA delegate Colleen Curley, president of the Aspiring Educators of Rhode Island.
At 2023 NEA Representative Assembly, Freedom to Learn in the Spotlight
As your elected delegates worked to represent YOU in Florida, we showed them they have our support here at home. Delegates were asked to dress on the daily theme - so we joined them in solidarity, taking a selfie or a group shot and posting to social media. Members used the hashtags: : #NEARA #NEARIstrong ; and @ed us @NEARhodeIsland (on Insta and FB)
We celebrated our state union by wearing NEARI apparel or posted why belonging to a union is important to us.
We got out our red shirts for Red for Ed.
It was time to go blue for NEA and take pride in our national association.
We wore orange to highlight our support for gun violence prevention.
For live stream coverage of the RA - follow NEA social channels: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (@NEAToday) and online at
Curley, president of the Aspiring Educators of RI, reflects on the 2023 Representative Assembly in Orlando, FL.