NEARI Education Summer

NEARI Education Summer Poster

Ed Summer 2023

Apply today for one, two, or all three sessions!

Ed Summer Organizer Job Description

Flyer for details

Education Summer Organizer Training

Friday, July 14 10:00am-3:00pm
Required for all selected participants

Education Summer Session: Internal Organizing

Monday, July 17-Friday, July 28
Weekdays. Hours will vary and there is some flexibility. Debrief event on July 28.

Education Summer Session: Community Partnership Support

Monday, August 7-Friday, August 11
Weekdays. Hours will vary depending on placement.

Education Summer is a paid organizing internship for NEARI members who want to gain more experience in organizing and build their leadership skills. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to assist with issue campaigns, engage current union members, help recruit potential members, assist with research, and more! Questions? Contact Sarah Markey.

Apply today!

Last year's Ed Summer Community Partners Week

As part of the Ed Summer program, members of NEARI partnered up with three allied non-profit organizations as a unique way to engage with and serve local communities. They did a variety of activities for their community partner and the groups were happy to have them.

Towards an Anti-Racist North Kingstown

Joel Gluck

Towards an Anti-Racist North Kingstown (TANK) is an organization that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion among all residents in the town of North Kingstown.

Member Joel Gluck helped TANK compile, organize, and prepare answers for grant writing from potential future funding sources.

He also went door to door in local neighborhoods to inform community members and build awareness about the organization and to survey them about their own knowledge and experiences about local acts promoting intolerance targeted at people with different ethnicities and religions than their own.

Joel Gluck and TANK Org.

Promoting racial and social justice in our classrooms and communities has been one of NEA/NEARI’s strategic initiatives and we’re happy we could team up with this organization to promote their ideals.

Nonviolent Schools RI

Maria Collins and Rosanna Campbell

NEARI members Maria Collins and Rosanna Campbell partnered up with Nonviolent Schools RI, an organization that offers trainings to teachers, administrators, and youth group leaders in nonviolence, modeled after the principles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This nonprofit has served local RI schools and groups for over ten years and recently completed their first-ever fundraiser through an art auction and, as are most nonprofits, is always working to fund their important work.

Hence, the NEARI interns were happy to help research and compile possible sources for future grants.

In addition, to updating participants’ certificates, they also helped the executive director create and update a new survey given to training participants which will inform their teaching methods and ensure trainees have the tools they need to be successful in applying Kingian nonviolence in their school or youth group setting.

Adults who create a peaceful and supportive environment, where all youth can thrive, enables children to be at their best- and this is something all children deserve.

The North Kingstown Food Pantry

North Kingstown Food Pantry

Realizing the food insecurity that was present in their town, the founders of the North Kingstown Food Pantry have worked to provide the most fundamental need to their fellow citizens since 1981.

It is run by a large crew of volunteers and is open Monday-Friday- member Lois Campion served there for every shift during community partners week.

While there, she completed varied tasks including, food donation intake and sorting, weighing and inspecting food, stocking shelves and refrigerating perishables, assisting clients in their shopping and bagging, and even helped with their “Produce Day” distribution and breakdown.

The pantry was happy to have her and it is fitting for NEARI to provide and support community organizations who ensure their residents, most especially children, can flourish in schools because they receive proper nutrition outside of school hours.