The CCRI Faculty Association filed an unfair labor practice against CCRI management for unilaterally imposing a J-Term (three-week condensed session) and violating their collective bargaining agreement. CCRIFA president Steven Murray and elected representatives sent the below letter to their members. Murray also encouraged members to attend an informational meeting last week via video:

Members of the CCRI Faculty Association,

The attempt to unilaterally impose a J-Term by administration without consultation or bargaining with faculty is a serious matter, clearly violating our Collective Bargaining Agreement, the basic tenets of shared governance as provided in CCRI’s enabling statute RIGL 16-33.1-3, and the AAUP Statement on Shared Governance.

As your duly elected representatives, and in conjunction with CCRIFA Bylaw 5.2e1, the CCRIFA Executive Committee fully support our CCRIFA President, Steven Murray, and our exclusive bargaining agent NEARI, in the filing of an Unfair Labor Practice claim with the Rhode Island Labor Board.

As educators, we must question whether such condensed delivery of course material is academically sound and in the best interest of our students. By excluding faculty from the process, our administration puts our students at risk.

All members of the association should refrain from teaching these classes and chairs should refrain from scheduling them until an agreement with our Association has been reached. To teach and/or schedule these courses without an agreement weakens our ability to effectively bargain a new contract this spring, weakens our position in governance, and weakens students' chance of success.

Our union is only as strong as its members. We must stand united in our devotion to the students we have dedicated our careers to educate.


Mazin Adam, Art
Anthony Amore, English
Renée Anderson, English
James Austin, Library
Jean Billerbeck, Biology
Michael Burdon, English
Steven Forleo, English
Leslie Killgore, Social Sciences
Marc Levasseur, English
Debra Lilli, English
Todd Linton, Mathematics
John Mowry, Engineering and Technology
Carol Panaccione, Foreign Language
Anthony Rashid, Engineering and Technology
John Ribezzo, Business Administration
John Rood, Nursing
Kimberly Rouillier, Rehabilitative Health Programs
Laura Ryan, Library
Holly Susi, English
Luke Sutherland, Performing Arts
Paul White, Physics